Monday 27 February 2012

Barcalona the best team in the world, but Real Madrid La Liga champions

Barcelona is currently the omniscent team in World Football, perhaps the biggest team in the world right now.  World Club champions, Champions League Holders, Currently La Liga holders, Having one of the greatest players of all time in Lionel Messi who has just won his third consecutive Ballon D'Or not to mention the other unbelievable players that make up the Barca unit (Hernandez, Alonso, Fabregas the list goes on) and one of the coaches who's taken to the Barca style luck a duck to water in Pep Guardiola and you have an intimidating team.  Favourites for the Champions League.  But they WILL NOT win La Liga this season.

Real Madrid currently lead by 10 points from Barcelona, how can this happen?  Real Madrid though they have improved greatly notwithstanding Mourihno's showboating and disgraceful antics at times he has improved them.  But why?  Because Real Madrid DON'T LOSE to lesser sides.

It is actually just as intriguing as watching Barcelona play their lovely passing game as the amazing machine of a team that Real Madrid has become.  The most expensive team ever assembled from arguably the biggest team in the world is what you would expect, but the way Real Madrid extinguishes lesser teams can be breathtaking. Mourihino the "Special One" has crafted an intimidating unit.  Barcelona has lost games away to lesser sides this season, and Real Madrid gets disappointed with draws. Barcelona can't play Real Madrid every week.

In this way Ronaldo sums up his team, ruthlessly efficient.  With the minimum time and movement he shoots at the goal when open and very often scores.  Whereas Barcelona work around a team, frustrate them, look for gaps almost artistically, Real Madrid go more directly furiously counter-attacking and scoring.  Often.

Barcelona are still rightful favourites for Champions League, though this tournament has a habit of showing up surprises.  But Real Madrid will win La Liga, giving Mourihno Season titles at the 3 biggest leagues in the game and a well deserved win too.  Ruthlesness and getting the job done sometimes overrides beauty and artistry.

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