Wednesday 29 February 2012

Sick of hearing about Tevez

Now finally that Carlos Tevez(sic) has returned to Manchester City to resume training has apologised and has committed to the team-at least in the short term, hopefully this will put an end to the countless media articles, though it's very doubt able.

The Carlos Tevez story has been a saga from day one, he cannot seem to leave a team on good terms (West Ham excluded, he did save them from relegation and all).  When he refused to warm up when his manager Roberto Mancini asked him to during the Champions league all hell broke loose.  The Internet, newspapers and water cooler conversation could not get over the disobedience of the "brat" Tevez.  Then the saga kept dragging.  He went to Argentina.  He got fined.  He appealed fine.  He won. Got fined again.  Didn't appeal. Is now back in England and apologised to Manchester City (not Roberto Mancini, mind).

Is that the end of it?  I highly doubt it. The saga was entertaining at the beginning but now fatigue has set in like typing heaps of words on a keyboard. Why not focus on Mario Balotelli instead?  He seems to have an endless supply of stories for newspapers, even on a slow day.

Writer's note:  I love watching Carlos Tevez play. On the field he gives 100%, is physical, fearless, exciting to watch, miraculous and unselfish.  He's a players player on the field.  In fact he's one of the main reasons my interest in Premier League increased exponentially.  But I too have felt upset at his behaviour and it's a shame he's not as unselfish or well-guided off field as he is on it. I would love to see him back playing and mend his ways however I'm not sure if it's a good idea for Man City to take him back.  I'm just not sure.

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